اجمل صور ليوم الجمعه مع ادعية مستجابة

بواسطة: admin
سبتمبر 23, 2023 11:17 م

Pictures for Friday Through the Contents website, as this day is one of the best and greatest days of the week in which many distinguished religious rituals are held, such as performing Friday prayers and reading Surat Al-Kahf, in addition to praying a lot for the Holy Prophet “Muhammad” – may God bless him and grant him peace a lot -, and you will review This article is a selection of the most beautiful pictures and supplications that are recommended to be repeated on this blessed day.

Blessed Friday

Friday is considered one of the greatest days of the week in which our Holy Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “The best day on which the sun rose is Friday, on it Adam was created, on it he was admitted to Paradise, and on it Get out of it, and the Hour will not be established except on Friday.” It is truly one of the virtuous days, which is considered as a weekly feast for all Muslims everywhere and at all times, in which blessings and pure faith notes abound, whether in the recitation of the Qur’an, seeking forgiveness and praying for the Prophet, or in supplication, and this comes in addition to the gathering of members of the same family after performing the Friday prayer. To exchange conversations and conversations about everything that goes on in life, which in turn enhances the consolidation of the kinship relationship that God Almighty and His Holy Messenger – upon him be the best prayers and peace – have recommended.

The most important Sunnah on Friday

There is a wide range of Sunnahs that are recommended to be performed on the blessed Friday, including, for example, each of the following:

  • Washing and cleansing.
  • Wearing the best clothes and perfume, i.e. perfume.
  • Early going to Friday prayers.
  • Not distinguishing between any two, as well as completely avoiding crossing necks.
  • Perform two rak’ahs of greeting the mosque as soon as you enter it.
  • Praying four rak’ahs after completing the Friday prayer.
  • More supplication, as well as more prayers upon the honorable Prophet.
  • Reading Surat Al-Kahf, as our Holy Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – said about it: “Whoever recites Surat Al-Kahf on Friday, light will shine for him between the two Fridays.”

The most beautiful pictures of Friday

A number of the most beautiful pictures of the blessed Friday, which carry a group of the most tender and sweetest words about this great day, which carries many pure notes of faith. We include them for you as follows:

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

Pictures of blessed Friday 2023

A bouquet of the most beautiful pictures of a blessed Friday that can be used to congratulate family and loved ones on the advent of this holy day. We present them to you during the following lines:

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful religious pictures on Friday

A new group of the most beautiful religious images designed for Friday, which can be shared with family and friends on popular social networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram for the year 2023. You can find them here:

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

Photos supplications on Friday

The majority of Muslims are usually keen to take advantage of Friday to intensify urgent calls; In view of the great blessing and wide grace that the hours of this day are characterized by, the following will display a selection of the most beautiful images of supplications that can be relied upon on this holy and blessed day:

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

Happy Friday wallpapers 2023

Below, you will see a group of the most beautiful backgrounds designed for the blessed Friday, which can be completely relied upon to change the images of cases of social networking programs such as WhatsApp and Instagram:

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

WhatsApp statuses, Happy Friday 2023

Friday is one of the virtuous days in which blessings and good deeds increase to permeate the entire world, and below will be a selection of the most beautiful images of WhatsApp statuses that can be used on such a great day to express the highest feelings of joy and happiness on its advent:

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

Rmaziat prayer on Friday

Here, during these next few lines, are a number of the most wonderful prayer symbols designed specifically for Friday for the year 2023 AD, with pictures:

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

Good morning pictures on Friday

A bouquet of the most beautiful good morning pictures that can be used in correspondence with family and loved ones on the blessed Friday, we include them for you during these next lines:

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

The most beautiful pictures for Friday with supplications answered

Beautiful phrases for Friday

After viewing a large group of the most beautiful images and symbols designed to bless Friday, we will now move on to review a selection of the finest phrases formulated about the virtue and value of this holy day:

  • Friday is inclusive and its angels are listening, so I ask God – the Almighty – to accept your good deeds and prayers, and to glorify Islam and Muslims.
  • Blessed Friday is the feast of hearts, so comfort your hearts by reciting the Noble Qur’an and remembering God Almighty throughout the night and day.
  • May God bless you and us on this blessed Friday, and protect us with His protection that is not fine, and make us among those who have neither fear nor grief.
  • Friday is a day whose beginning is tranquility and its end is supplication. O God, do not take us out of this great day unless all our sins have been forgiven for us and our hearts have been comforted.
  • Every Friday, you are closer to God, and may God make this day an end to all sorrows, anguish and tribulations.
  • On the blessed Friday, pray more for the chosen Prophet, for there is no prayer that does not reach him so that God, the Exalted and Majestic, may return his soul to him so that he may return peace.
  • Oh God, it is the Great Friday, so accept our prayers and our recitation of the Holy Quran, and replace our sorrows with joy, and our worries with contentment and happiness.
  • The believers on Friday have a strange matter, as each of them has an invitation that never disappoints, so make more invitations on this blessed day.
  • With the fresh morning breeze on Friday, we ask God – the Almighty – to fulfill for us every beautiful thing that we await to happen, and to grant us the softness of our hearts, and to forgive us in this world and the Hereafter.

The most beautiful supplications on the blessed Friday

A bouquet of the most beautiful and desirable supplications to repeat on the blessed Friday; In view of the great rewards it enjoys, we include it for you in the following lines:

  • Oh God, we ask you for wellness and forgiveness in this world and the hereafter. Oh God, we ask you for forgiveness and wellness in our religion, worldly affairs, family and wealth.
  • Oh God, you are my Lord, there is no god but You, You created me and I am Your servant, and I abide by Your covenant and promise as much as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done, and I acknowledge Your grace upon me and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for no one forgives sins except You.
  • Oh God, you are my Lord, there is no god but You, I rely on You and You are the Lord of the Great Throne. Whatever God wills is, and what He does not will does not happen. There is no might nor power except with God, the Most High, the Great. Oh God, I seek refuge in You from the evil of myself, and from the evil of every animal whose forelock You take. Indeed, my Lord is on a straight path.
  • Oh God, we have become, and with you our evening, and with you we live, and with you we die, and to you is the destiny.
  • O Living, O Sustainer, by your mercy I seek help, rectify all my affairs for me, and do not leave me to myself for the blink of an eye.

Suggested articles

We recommend some of the following articles:

Reminder to pray for the Prophet on FridayThe Prophet’s supplication on Friday is written in fullFriday prayers for deceased parents
Lord’s supplications on FridayIs it permissible to fast on Friday and Saturday make up Supplications for the last hour of Friday

In conclusion, this article has seen the most beautiful Pictures for Friday For the year 2023 AD, and that comes in addition to reviewing a large and distinguished collection of the most wonderful backgrounds and symbols designed for this day, and finally, at the end, a group of the greatest supplications that are recommended to be recited on this holy day were presented.