خريطة الوطن العربي الجديدة بالتفصيل صماء وملونة بدقة عالية

بواسطة: admin
سبتمبر 23, 2023 11:19 م

The Arab world is the most important map that students in our Arab world are required to memorize and familiarize with its features. As the Arab world is defined as an area of ​​land located southwest of the continent of Asia and north of the continent of Africa, and most of its inhabitants speak the Arabic language, and its countries are generally organized in the League of Arab States. In this article, we will provide you with a valuable set of images of the political and geographical map of the Arab world, including topography and population distribution, with high accuracy.

The map of the new Arab world is deaf with high accuracy

They say that the beholder of the reality of the Arab world clearly sees the impact of the division and distribution of maps of our Arab world on bases that were not its result at any time, nor were they reflective of the perceptions of the peoples of the Arab region about themselves or their aspirations, goals and interests, but rather it was quite the opposite. And that the foregoing agreements and historical facts were nothing but a model from the different Arab regions, and not an example, which undoubtedly illustrates the historical backgrounds for the emergence of Arab entities according to the will of the colonial powers that controlled directly at the time, and later became “states” that the colonizer himself granted them the status of “The Independent.

Below we put for you a set of deaf maps of the Arab world with high accuracy:

The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
The new map is deaf

The old map of the Arab world is deaf

The difference between the new map and the old map of the Arab world is that Sudan has recently been divided into northern Sudan and southern Sudan, so northern Sudan remained within the Arab world, while southern Sudan separated from it, and the following map shows that:

The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
The old map is deaf
The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
The old map is deaf

Map of the Arab world politically

In the book “The Cartographic State: Maps, Territories, and the Roots of Sovereignty,” Gordon Branch explained that the map makers were preparing maps that expressed their ideas about how the world was organized from their point of view. This is what actually happened and was applied by the colonialists in the Arab world. The maps that divide the Arab world into countries were drawn by the countries that occupied the region, and subjected them to their perceptions, ideas, and vision of the Arab region and their interests in it.

The Arab regimes have been keen to keep the borders drawn by the colonizer as they were received from him, and the global system’s care for these drawn borders – by keeping them as they are and preventing any real change in them – has continued throughout the previous period and is still in place. As for the attempts that were called; “Unionism” or “federalism” that did not obtain the approval of the colonialist who drew the maps of the Arab region has failed, and these are examples; The “unity project between Egypt and Syria,” or that it did not complete its union, but that it remained more slogans than real and realistic projects, such as the “Gulf Cooperation Council” or the “Maghreb Union.”

Pictures of the map of the Arab world politically

The political map of a country for a specific political region is not lines on abstract paper, but rather it represents an expression of a cognitive perception of a group of humanity that defines borders and draws them according to that perception, and is fully prepared to fight and sacrifice not for what we can say are areas of land that may not be It has no strategic or material value, but rather because this space – which sometimes does not exceed a few meters – carries a great moral value bestowed on it by the deep cognitive awareness of those people.

In the following, we put for you a set of pictures of the map of the Arab world politically, with the caveat that the following pictures did not divide Sudan into north and south, as is the case now according to the map and the new division:

The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
Old politics map
The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
Old politics map

The new Arab world map is deaf and colored

The Arab world is located in the middle of the continents of the ancient world in southwest Asia and north of the continent of Africa. The Arab world overlooks two oceans: the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. It also overlooks a number of seas, including: the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, and the Sea of ​​Oman. , The Arabian Gulf. In the following, we will put for you a map of the Arab world, deaf and colored:

The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
The new map is color deaf

Topography map of the Arab world

The Arab world is the geographical region that extends from the Atlantic Ocean located on the western side to the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf on the eastern side. The Arab world includes all countries that belong to the League of Arab States, located in western Asia, north and east Africa. Such as: the State of Palestine and the Golan Heights. In general, the forms of terrain on the surface of the earth in the Arab world vary between low, high, or sloping areas, or as it is known as terrain.


The plains are flat lands in terms of surface and formation, and the plains are distinguished by their height, which does not exceed two hundred meters, and among the types of plains: floodplains that are found in the areas of rivers, including the plain of the Tigris River in Iraq, and the plain of the Euphrates that lies between Iraq and Syria, in addition to The Nile River plain located between Egypt and Sudan. The second type is the coastal plains that extend and parallel the coast in the Arab world on the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, the Arabian Gulf, and the Gulf of Oman.


It is defined as the high place from the ground, its height is usually less than two hundred meters, and the plateau is characterized by a flat surface, sloping sides, and is divided into two parts; They:

  • the plateaus of the continent of Asia; like:
    • Najd Plateau located in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula.
    • Hadramout plateau in the south.
    • Levantine plateau.
  • plateaus of the continent of Africa; like:
    • El Shattout plateau in Algeria.
    • North and Saharan plateaus of Africa.


Mountains are conical-shaped rock masses, about a thousand meters above ground level, and the mountains are distinguished by their extension along the coasts. . Among the mountain ranges in the Arab world:

  • Atlas mountain range in the Maghreb
  • Levant mountain range.
  • Red Sea Heights.
  • Iraq mountain range.

Pictures of the terrain map of the Arab world

As we mentioned previously, the topography of the Arab world varies between mountains, plains, plateaus, and others, and this of course affects the population density in it and the people’s demand for it, and we put for you the following pictures of the map of the topography of the Arab world:

The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
New terrain map
The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
Ancient terrain map
The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
Ancient terrain map

Population density map in the Arab world

The population density study depends on the numbers and data that can be obtained from various sources. The population census study sources are divided into two main groups:

  • Fixed data sources: It deals with the size, distribution, and composition of the population in the Arab world. These sources are:
    • Population censuses.
    • Population surveys.
  • Non-static data sources that include:
    • Vital statistics on births and deaths.
    • Vital statistics on marriage and divorce rates.
    • Population migration records.
The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
Old population density map

Population distribution map in the Arab world

The population distribution in the Arab world differs from one region to another, depending on the economic capabilities and wealth existing in the regions, and the population density varies from one country to another based on the reproductive culture of the peoples and the material conditions in those countries, knowing that the Arab world in general all its countries are considered From developing countries, and below we put for you a map of population distribution in the Arab world:

The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
The new population density map
The new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracyThe new map of the Arab world in detail is deaf and colored with high accuracy
The new population density map

Map of natural units in the Arab world

The natural units in the Arab world vary because it contains forms and a wide variety of topography that certainly affects its geographical division into natural units. Some of the natural units in the Arab world are:

The Nile River

The Nile River originates from the Lakes Plateau in Uganda, and upon entering Sudan, it is fed by some tributaries with water, such as; Sobat River, Atbara and the Blue Nile, after which it heads north through the lands of Sudan and Egypt until it reaches the city of Cairo and branches into two branches: Rashid and Dimat, which flow into the Mediterranean Sea, and confine between them the Delta region; It is a triangular plain area covered with fertile alluvial soil.

Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa is called Somalia and Djibouti, and it is located in the east of the continent of Africa, and it can be identified on the map. This is what earned it global commercial and military importance and made it the focus of attention of the colonial powers.

The Arab Maghreb

The Maghreb is called the Arab countries located in the northwest of the continent of Africa and includes Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania.