قصة مولد الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم للاطفال بالصور

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سبتمبر 23, 2023 10:27 م

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures It is what will be discussed in this article. With the approach of the Prophet’s birthday, the search and investigation of the biography of the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – increases, and children have a share in learning it. Peace be upon him – the best role model and the best example to be followed. In this article, the site provides us with the contents of the story of the birth of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his biography with pictures for children.

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

Many people search for the story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children in pictures, which will be presented as follows:

Makkah Al-Mukarramah was on a date with a great event, as the event had a great impact on the history of all mankind, which will keep its light shining on the universe, and guide the perplexed with it until God inherits the earth and those on it. The Prophet was born – may God bless him and grant him peace – and it is the most important event In human history, and the entire universe was waiting for his arrival since eternity, and his birth was in the month of Rabi` al-Awwal of the year of the elephant, which corresponds to April 20 / 571 AD, and Abu had died during his pregnancy, and he was born in Mecca in the people of Bani Hashem and his mother is safe Bint Wahb, and that the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – is Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim, and he is one of the descendants of the Prophet of God, Ismail, peace be upon him.

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

Good news of the birth of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace

The world was full of shirk and misguidance before the birth of the purest and most noble of creation, and the birth of the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – was a harbinger of the disappearance of corruption from the earth, as well as the spread of truth and goodness among people. Al-Irbad bin Sariyah narrated on his authority, he said: “I am the servant of God and the seal of the prophets, and Adam is braided in his clay, and I will tell you about that the call of my father Abraham, the glad tidings of Jesus to me, and the vision of my mother that she saw. And the mother of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saw when she gave birth to him a light that lit up the palaces of the Levant.”

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

Breastfeeding of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace

In the Quraysh and among the Arabs in the past, they had customs that distinguished them, and the customs of the nobles of Quraysh were to send their children to the desert with wet nurses to grow up on strength and courage, and to learn from the eloquence and eloquence of the people of the desert, and the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – was one of the nobles of the Quraysh, and after He was breastfed by his mother, Amina, daughter of Wahb, for seven days, then Thuwaiba, the slave woman of Abu Lahab, breastfed him for a short period of time, before the Bedouin nurses came to take him to Halima Al-Sa’diyah, the wet nurse of the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – and she was Halima, daughter of Abi Dhu’ib, from the tribe of Bin Saad Bin Bakr, and her husband was Al-Harith bin Abd al-Uzza bin Rifa’a, who breastfed the Prophet until she completed breastfeeding, and the wet nurses were afraid of taking the orphan for fear of losing the reward, and when Halima arrived, God willing, she would be the wet nurse of the Messenger of God after the rest of the wet nurses refused him.

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

The blessing of the Prophet on the homes of Bani Saad

When Halima went out from the homes of Bani Saad to Mecca seeking a baby with her people, and her husband and her young son were with her to breastfeed, she was on a skinny female donkey, and with her was an elderly camel, who never milked, and it was from the severity of hunger and drought in her homes that she did not find milk in her chest It suffices her son, and he used to cry a lot and not allow them to sleep at night from his hunger, and she arrived late to Mecca because of the inability of her donkey, and the wet nurses had taken the boys except for an orphan boy who refused him to be orphaned, and he is the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – so she took him and that is that she did not find anyone else. When she returned to her saddle, she nursed him, and the blessing came down in her milk, so it quenched, then she breastfed her son, so he was satisfied and narrated, and that night her husband checked the old she-camel, and if her udder was full of milk, he milked her and drank with his family until they were full, and she had not been milking before, even the female of her donkey became strong, racing the people’s knees, and when They returned to their homes, which were dry and barren, but their sheep became full, and they became fat and their milk increased and increased, so that the people were sending their sheep to graze in place of the sheep of Halima’s husband.

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

The death of the mother of the Messenger of God

After the period of breastfeeding of the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – ended with Amna Bint Wahb, he returned to his mother, and when he reached six years old, his mother, Amna Bint Wahb, went out with him to visit his uncles, Bani Al-Najjar, the city, and Umm Ayman was with her, and they went out on two camels, so they went down in the city and stayed He was with his maternal uncles for a whole month, and his father’s grave was in Medina, and when they returned to Mecca, the mother of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was severely ill, and she died on the way in the Al-Abwa region, and was buried there, and Umm Ayman returned to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to Medina. To be in the care of his grandfather.

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

The Prophet is in the care of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib and his uncle Abu Talib

After the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, reached the age of six years, his mother, Amina Bint Wahb, died, so he moved to be in the care of his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, who gave him great care, and he was always repeating that this boy would have a great deal, and Abd al-Muttalib was the leader of Mecca And the honorable of its nobles, and he is deeply in love with the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – and he acquired from him the qualities of leadership and a sense of pride and purity of lineage, and he remained in his care until he died and the age of the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – was eight years, and he moved to the sponsorship of his uncle Abi Talib, who He raised him and brought him up as if he were one of his children, and he fulfilled his right to the fullest.

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

The marriage of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace

The Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – grew up and grew up, and he used to work with sheep herding, then he worked in trade, and he was famous for his honesty, honesty, and good manners. May God bless him and grant him peace – she sent for his request to go out with her trade to the Levant, so he accepted and her boy went out with him, and there was in her trade a blessing and a profit that she had never seen, and her boy told her about the sincerity, trustworthiness and morals of the Messenger of God, so she sent him a woman offering him to marry her, so he accepted, and indeed they got married and gave birth He has all his sons and daughters except Ibrahim from Maria Qutbiyya, and the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – did not marry anyone else until she died.

The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures

Mission of the Messenger of God and the descent of revelation

After the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, reached the age of forty, he was sitting contemplating in the cave of Hira, far from people, so Gabriel, peace be upon him, entered the cave in the form of a man, and told him to read. He was illiterate and did not read or write, so Gabriel approached him and hugged him tightly until he tired him and was hard on him and then left him. Then he repeated his question to him by saying, “Read,” so that the matter would be repeated three times. This was the beginning of the revelation to the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – and the beginning of the prophetic mission and the descent of the religion of Islam.

The migration of the Prophet to Medina

The Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – conveyed the message to the people in Quraish and Mecca, and called them to the religion of Islam, so few people believed in it and many of the polytheists became hostile to it, until they began to tighten the screws on the Muslims who had recently entered the religion of Islam, and to harm and torture them, so God permitted the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace. Peace be upon him – and for all Muslims in Mecca to migrate to Medina, so they set out in groups secretly and at night, and the Prophet was still in Mecca, and the polytheists were meeting to decide how they would kill him, so God sent Gabriel to him to tell him to get out, and his house was besieged by the polytheists, so God took him out from among them without To feel, and he set out with Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq towards Medina, so that the polytheists pursued them and chased them, so they hid in the cave, and they were two and God was the third of them, so God saved them from the plot of the polytheists and they reached the enlightened city in which the new Islamic state will be.

The story of the death of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace

In the same days, the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – went out to witness a funeral in Al-Baqi, and upon his return he became very ill, and his illness lasted about two weeks, and he was preaching to people and praying for them while he was in his illness, until it was the last day of his life, when Muslims gathered to pray, and Abu Bakr Their imam, and the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – was in his room and he could not get out of his illness, so he revealed the cover of the room to look at the Muslims to bid them farewell with a final look, then he died – may God bless him and grant him peace – at the time of the intensification of the forenoon, and that was on Monday the twelfth of Rabi` al-Awwal of the year The eleventh to migrate, and it was a very sad day that Muslims did not see more severe than it or more severe.

With this, the conclusion of the article has been reached The story of the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, for children, with pictures in which the story of the Messenger of God and his biography was discussed, from his birth until his death, and the glad tidings of his birth in the universe were mentioned, and the story of the Prophet’s wet nurse and the blessing she received was mentioned, and the story of his mother’s death and the care of his grandfather and uncle for him, then his marriage, the descent of revelation, and his emigration to his death, may God bless him and grant him peace. .